
MTG: War of the Spark

What is Magic the Gathering ?

“Magic the Gathering is a TCG ( Trading Card Game), where players compete against other players to win matches. Each player builds custom decks, consisting of many different cards.”

“The newest expansion to Magic the Gathering universe. Core Set  2020 is the newest set standard, to find out more check (Here). For the Card catalog  of Core Set 2020 check (Here).”

“A casual tournament format FNM (Friday Night Magic) is a great way to play magic the gathering. Playing most of the night starting at 6 pm you and other players will play using your standard decks, to win prizes. Bring your friends, and have tremendous fun winning games to get free booster packs, or make some pals on the way. Join us in person to play FNM every Friday at 6 pm.”

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